"I just want to feel normal again"
"I am so exhausted from worrying"
Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety can be an extremely uncomfortable emotion, particularly if it persists is an intense and chronic state. The term “anxiety” is broad and typically refers to a cluster of very different disorders. Anxiety around a specific event (e.g. crowds, social gatherings) or object (e.g. spiders, germs) is much different from anxiety that looms overhead at all times, as is the case in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Each requires a different and unique approach, however, they often share a common symptomatic presentation. If you are feeling chronically keyed-up or on edge, startled easily, have difficulty concentrating, experiencing racing thoughts, uncontrollable and excessive worry or sleep disturbances you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety is also highly connected to your physical health. For many, anxiety shows up as a mysterious health condition like gastrointestinal distress (e.g. IBS), heart arrhythmia’s, chronic pain, or headaches. Whichever your unique experience, there is help. Anxiety can be properly treated and in a relatively short amount of time. People that are suffering from anxiety disorders often feel at their wits end and exhausted in managing this uphill battle. There is real help and hope in overcoming this life-limiting illness. We have experience as specialized anxiety counselors in helping people of all ages overcome anxiety and get back to enjoying and living their lives.
Anxiety Therapy
Our approach is primarily psychodynamic. In other words, we believe that we are often mysteries to ourselves and a psychologist is skilled at uncovering deeper, root issues often suppressed from our conscious thought. People often have thoughts, feelings, and inner conflicts they may not be aware of but which can produce the experience of conscious anxiety. Once those issues are brought to light, processed, and worked through people begin to feel immensely better.
We first learn to work with anxiety in our early relationships. You might ask yourself, how was anxiety dealt with in the home I get up in? Was it a feeling that was allowed? Was it the only feeling allowed? Did it push away or draw our primary caregivers closer or further? The basic footwork of how we relate to our anxiety can be found in these early relational and emotional templates. Diving into this in psychotherapy is an extremely healing element. A common, faulty belief is that what we choose to forget, “get over” or move on from can no longer affect us. This couldn’t be further from the truth, real freedom is understanding, allowing, and integrating these sworn off inner experiences.
Utilizing both insight-oriented and mindfulness-based strategies in tandem is what gets people back on their feet and enjoying life again. We help people to make these important discoveries and can attest to the incredible healing that can occur. You don’t have to live chronically anxious and the place to start is right here.
Read our FAQ’s below for detailed responses on commonly asked questions regarding anxiety and anxiety treatment.