Schedule your first therapy session at Keil Psych Group by clicking the Book Now button below. Please note, space is limited at this time.
Appointments available are for both in-person or Telehealth. Although in-person sessions are preferred, we know that not everyone feels comfortable or can attend in-person psychotherapy sessions. In-person sessions with our psychologists are at our Orange County, Newport Beach, CA location.
1. Select an Appointment with an available provider
2. Open our welcome email and click the link at the bottom to confirm your appointment
3. You will receive a confirmation text and email regarding your appointment when that is complete. All Set!
**Due to extremely limited space – We can hold requested appointments through the end of business day. To confirm your appointment, please login to your email and click the link at the bottom to confirm.**
Not all availability is posted online. If no appointments appear for the day or time you are looking for please give us a call/text directly at 714-334-5497 or email us at
We look forward to meeting you!
Keil Psych Group