Personality and Diagnostic Testing
Personality Assessment in Orange County
Understanding Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment can help shortcut the treatment process by giving you a more full understanding of personality and diagnosis right off the bat. A multi-measure battery is administered and a comprehensive evaluation with recommendations will be provided. The combination of measures we use are the MMPI, MCMI, PAI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Beck Inventories, and the 16PF. A full 50-minute feedback and Q n A session is provided at the time you receive the results. People frequently use this service for a variety of reasons including:
Jump-starting treatment
Personal growth, insight, and development
Obtaining evidence for use in academic or employment support
Military readiness and enlistment screenings
Employee selection
Readiness for surgery evaluations
Executive coaching
Hiring of volunteer or church staff
The battery of tests are specifically tailored and integrated in plain language to answer yours or another professionals specific questions.
A recent article by Business Insider stated:
“Anyone who has held a job for any extended period of time most likely has witnessed personality issues with leadership. Although there are laws that protect workers from discrimination and hostile work environments, poor leadership traits that cause duress to a lesser degree in the workplace are more difficult to remedy as individual state laws tend to address only cases that can be defined as intentional, extreme and outrageous conduct (Workplace Fairness, n.d.). Therefore, responsibility for safeguarding employees against all levels of unacceptable leadership behavior lies exclusively with the organization and most likely accounts for the increase of such testing. This is evidenced and supported by the fact that 13% of all corporations and 89 of the Fortune 100 companies administer personality assessments to prospective employees (Taube, 2015).”
What to Expect
Testing sessions last between two and three hours. First, we collect a thorough clinical history and conduct a structured clinical interview. The second part of the assessment focuses on both computer administrated and in-person administered psychological tests. We provide plenty of breaks and make the session as easy and comfortable as possible. After completing the psychological assessment, we will reach out to you to schedule a feedback session where we provide the report, offer feedback, and answer any questions you might have. Each testing battery is custom created to answer your specific questions or issues.